
Knighthood interface
Interface introduction:

1.Open Knighthood interface: Knighthood manager is in middle of Gloom city

2.Create Knighthood: There is a 20K copper fee to create new Knighthood

3.Search Knighthood: Fill in Knighthood name to search.

4.Apply to join: join another Knighthood ( can apply to join 10 Knighthoods at the same time) Character Level ≥Lvl 15 is available to join

Castle Member interface
Interface introduction

1.Open Knighthood interface
Quick button O or Knighthood sign

2.Set Knighthood Aim ( knighthood mission statement )
After fill in Knighthood Aim, click change to save

3.Castle Member
Display all members’ character level、position、class、merit and ranking.
Knighthood Leader Deputy Leader Member

4.Application check
Player send application to join Knighthood, just click accept or reject to decide to agree the new member to join or not.

5.Quit/dismiss Knighthood
Quit the current Knighthood ( player can join new Knighthood after they have quit their current one)

6.Hide offline members
Hide Knighthood members which are offline.


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